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Christmas alternative songs (II)

Still on my little quest to provide you with some alternative music this holidays. This time I'm gonna share a few of the Chinese songs that I've discovered here, buried under the considerable weight of the current pop mainstream music (omnipresent as it is in Europe or America, only even more so here in China). Needless to say it is more enjoyable if you know the language and understand what they're singing, but you can still get a taste of good musicianship even if the language goes over the top of your head. Hope you like them!

Cui Jian, Nothing to my name (一无所有,崔健)

Gou Wei, Inside a black dream (窦唯,黑色梦中)

Tao Zhe, I'm a tiny little bird(我是一只小小鸟,陶喆)

Xu wei, The way you used to be (许巍,曾经的你)

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