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Un album en cuartos (I)

"Click my tongue" en directo, ahí por el año 2009

Empecé a escribir este blog para promocionar el álbum que saqué hace poco: Arts & Crafts and Frankensteins. Me he liado escribiendo sobre casi todo lo relacionado con mi vida musical, pero me doy cuenta ahora de que no he escrito gran cosa sobre el propio álbum. Ahora que mi propósito de escribir 90 posts consecutivos va llegando a su fin, me apetece explicaros un poco de qué van esas canciones, que era la idea inicial.

La primera canción del disco se llama "You Ruin My Sadness" (Arruinas mi tristeza), co-escrita con el fotógrafo Ismael Tato. Habla sobre las bondades de encontrar a una persona que te entiende incluso cuando tú no te entiendes a ti mismo, y se las ingenia para "arruinarte la tristeza" casi sin intentarlo. Os recomiendo fervientemente que tratéis de encontrar a una persona así.

Please, don't go anywhere/ Don't leave me alone/ Alone with my thoughts/ And don't ask me what is wrong/ 'Cause I just don't know/Well, at least, not in words/ But if I start to run/ Will you please come and chase me down/ You shouldn't have let me depend on you in the first place/ Now I need you to keep me hurting myself/ 'Cause you/ ruin my sadness/ You ruin my sadness/ Now, I know I look big/ Even from the distance/ And everybody knows/ Everyone knows I talk loud/ Sometimes louder than I'm tall/ Sometimes braver than I'm strong/ Sometimes all these word come to stare me down/ And those dreams come to prove their undone/ I don't know what'll happen when you're down yourself/ Hope I'll find a way to believe what I say/ To ruin your sadness/ To ruin your sadness.

La segunda canción es "Remus", una gatita preciosa que tenía, a la que acosé con amor hasta que me quiso. Frotar la nariz en su barriguita peluda sin saber si me lo iba a permitir o si, por el contrario, me iba a dejar el cuero cabelludo hecho una rejilla con sus diestras garritas, era una de esas emociones fuertes de la vida.

I've labelled the color of your eyes "impossible green"/ Is there a light bulb there inside your skull, be still now, let me see/ You close a hole into another dimension every time you blink/ That effortless way of getting my attention, just sitting there and staring at me/ And I know that your body's not meant to endure as long as mine, that much is true/ And I often wonder if life's boring to you, if there's something there that I can do/ I can see you're in need of affection, why not get it from me?/ You rub your temple with such intention/ you're teasing me, I can't help but think/ You spread your love around the house/ hope sooner or later you'll meet my hand/ and you will or you will not but next time around/ I'll try my best again to find out what it is you want/ And I know that your body's...

La tercera y última, por hoy, se llama "Click my tongue" (algo así como chasquear la lengua, ¡un gesto pero que muy molesto!). Es la canción más antigua de la colección. Cuando la escribí era muy joven y tenía la imperiosa necesidad de que el amor fuera perfecto y fácil. La comprensión gradual de que es más bien todo lo contrario dio pie a canciones como ésta. Os dejo por hoy. Más en tres días.

Click my tongue, sure there’s something I forgot/ I try real hard, but I can only thing of the things/ That come into my mind/ And my mind is always almost full and nearly gone/ From where I am/ I used to like it this way, it used to be fun when I was twelve/ With my big mouth and my big foot/ And all this talent about to bloom/ "Nothing in this world that you can’t do if you want to, if you want to"/ You're lying next to me/ Maybe if I could get up without waking you up/ I’d loose this fear of losing you/ Of being too much and giving few of the things you need/ Silence and peace and space and air/ The feeling that you can be upset without driving me mad/ Without hurting me bad/ Your eyes dim, as though the sun was going down inside of you/ Silence falls like a veil and sorrow spreads out/ You can’t contain it/ You’d want me to step back, but I can’t And I’d willingly take the blame so that it/ Wasn’t something out of my hands/ So that love was good enough for anything/ Anything but being meant for you if you’re not meant for me/ But if you don’t prove me wrong...

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