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今天我想给大家介绍一下我的专辑 Arts & Crafts and Frankensteins 的第四、五、六歌。每次要写关于音乐的内容我都会听有关的歌曲。在听的时候,有一些歌(我很长时间没演出的那些)让我非常惊讶,我的感觉是歌曲里面的故事是很久很久以前发生的, 但是其实没那么久...这是一两年不弹某一首歌的效果!

好的,还是硬着头皮面对这个情况吧。 今天帖子的第一首歌叫"Six Steps",在我的音乐中,这种“嬉皮”的曲子很少。为什么呢?我不得不承认,我平常埋头忙自己的事儿,不太注意在“外面的世界”发生的事情(这一点让我有点儿不好意思,但也有点儿没办法的感觉,我只能这样做:当我与世界互动时,我尽可能做一个ok的人),但我听到有“六度分隔理论”这么一个概念,我就迷上了这种能证明我们都息息相关的理论, 我必须得为它做一首歌。请你们听一下:

Only six steps, six step are enough/to get you in touch with anybody in this world/It's there on my Facebook, the power to prove/we're part of something, Humanity is something/ as a whole/An imaginary dotted line/which springs from me an will find whoever of you, wherever you are/Such a revelation/Maybe if everyone knew/Maybe if everyone was explained/proved in the eyes of the cynical ones/who justify everything by saying/"we're mere animals, human is evil"Only six steps away from everybody else, so would that help you not get angry with your boss/and not speak that word/which is only meant to hurt/to forget about those episodes I can't seem to let go/ Only six steps, I keep wondering what does that really stands for/Will it make a difference to those/I presume only care about themselves/ who sit back on their big fat chairs/so far high above consequence/Will I get to touch them in six steps/Will I find it doesn't really matter in the end/Like "we've known it all along, but honestly, who cares?"/Will I find that it's the answer to all the silent prayers?/Will it set us to knocking on everybody else's shell?/It's comfortable here in my sofa/there's the sweet sound of the rain/and the buzz of love in this house, my dearest step/If I could scatter some of this on everybody's fate/I'm sure that might help, how far can we all go in only six steps

第二首歌叫 "No Desire" 。我正在写这个帖子时就发现,这首歌曲完成了一个循环。这是我差不多15年前,第一次来中国的时候做的。当时,我回到西班牙的时候,已经有了再来中国一趟的小想法。现在我又在这儿了,这次(几乎5年了)也做了好多歌!"No Desire"里面的故事,简单地说,是没有结果、短暂的一段情...,这种事也许很常见,但如果发生在你身上的话,还是不太好玩儿。

He said goodnight, lighting my face with his/“what’s your name” smile/I had been alone for too long/And willing to make a little room in my heart/Then came the beer, and then came the wine/And then came sincerity and the he grew sad/The adventurer’s joy suddenly drowned by his past/‘Cause love doesn’t usually work/and he’s old enough to know/But I guess that he does not/But I guess that he does not/Still, I kept X-raying his shirt with my eyes/Still, I kept pouring the wine/And I guess it showed/I guess I made him feel my object of desire/cause he blocked my way and/put that sweet “kiss me” face/asked for being held and swore he’d behave/“And why should him?”, I thought/just let’s not mess with our hearts/And I swear I had no desire/But to turn upwards the corners of your mouth/And shorten the distance in your eyes/And make you feel that moment was right/But I can’t have a piece without wanting it all/And you can’t want a piece without having it all/For four night’s his flawless skin I owned/For four days I chased down his words/But they were not meant for me/Or anyone he knows/There’s just this big one ideal that doesn’t suit us/That’s what happens when you pretty much know/You just need to be alone/Still you try to mess with someone’s heart/Regardless that you said that you would not/So we said goodbye at the door of the bus/With an unworthy kiss and a distracted hug/“ We are sure to meet again”, I recall in this train that so conveniently takes me away/so that you can try to be nursed/by some smaller hands and sweeter lips/to suck out the mess that made a nest in you heart the day that you realized/that love and future don’t always walk hand in hand

最后一首歌叫“Getting on",也是跟摄影师Ismael Tato 合作出来的。 Getting on, 这个动词词组在这里意思是“变老”。我不是为变老而生气,虽然在骨子里查觉到岁月流逝不是很开心的一种感觉,但是你慢慢积累的知识——连在吃苦的时候积累的知识,还是比较有趣的。用我朋友Vincent Searfoss(对了,他刚才推出了一个专辑,都是班卓琴器乐的曲子,不要错过啊:Silver & Marrow)的语言:"有可能某些心理灵活代替了肢体上的灵活”。好好过今天吧!

So, the world doesn't belong to me anymore and/no, I can't sit on my feet for long/the careless years have gone/And time is either cherished or lost/It's just the way it goes/I still don't like saying it but deep down I know/Hurry, hurry, this can only get worse/Let's go back and laugh at those two/fresh and dumb and sweet kings of the world/Let's propose a toast to us/stripped of our ignorance but still pretty bold/Still learning how to make the most/Can't pretend time doesn't/ work its way to my every cell/and each breath means one less/The stunts keep getting harder to nail/and losses cut they'll weight/like all the stuff that's out of my hands/There's both advantage and pain/to the fact that I didn't know/what I know now, then/Hurry, hurry, this can only get worse/Plastic lips and idle eyelids won't do/Well, it sucks but it's true/Time's out to get you/And you gotta learn to live with what you can't undo/Hurry, hurry, this can only get worse

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