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我继续Arts & Crafts and Frankensteins专辑的介绍,今天从第七首歌开始讲。 歌曲叫 “Nocturna”(“夜曲”), 曾经在别的帖子提到了它,就是西班牙语歌词的那一个。Nocturna不是一口气儿做完的,琶音部分是在泰国的一个长途汽车站、在雨季的闷热中等汽车的时候想起来的,歌词是好久之后写的,我记得很清楚,我强迫自己用西班牙语写歌词,因为已经太久没试过用自己的母语来写歌词。我一开始就比较流利地写下去整个东西,所以我明白了,我可以写西班牙语歌。下面我给大家翻译成英语。请听一下:

The night falls heavily/ my old guitar scratches the silence/ time liberates another moment/ it floats in the air and it's gone/ it's taken a heartbeat form my body/ I reckon I have one less breath left/ I tried to go find it/ but it's like trying to bite the wind/ Enough about lost battles/ enough about the meaning of life/ Here I am, at a standstill in the game/ in jail, far away from the "go" square/ those 200$ were quite a joy to get/ but in real life no one gives you anything just because you're starting/ I can't go wasting my breaths anymore/ I'm all haste now/ I squint into the distance/ no matter how hard I try, I can see a nothing/ How stupid to worry about nothing/ what a waste of the time that escapes me/ and then I grow bold and think to myself:/ as long as it rains by the drop, I can take it/ I hope they won't change the unit of rain on me for something larger and denser/ I hope they won't change the unit of rain on me/ otherwise, I might not manage.

下一首叫"The Elephant Song"(”大象的歌“), 也是在泰国那会儿创作的,在北方我参观了一个大象保护区,那边志愿者的努力以及大象的温润品质让我很感动。被拯救之前,它们在残忍的主人那里吃尽了苦头。现在我想起来了,这首歌是我在网上发出的第一首歌,目的是,为了这个有价值的事业做一点什么。 我请大家看一下保护区Elephant Nature Park 的网站。如果你们去清迈 (Chiang Mai)的话,一定要去看望他们,自身体会跟大象友谊的互动。

The river is never too far away/ This skin is thick, but it needs some care>/ I've a full time job keeping this body fed/ And this is all I'm meant to do/ I know my place, do you?/ But things haven't always been this cool/ All of us have been through/ Some pretty bad times as tools/ We've all had our spirits broken/ A ceremony we will never forget/ Imagine the kind of pain they think/ They need to inflict on a creature like me/ So that I'll always do what they want me to do/ And always give in/ But there's another side to humans, I guess/ There's this little character called "Lek"/ She finds the land, she finds the help/ She buys us free, she gets her way/ She's had a taste of tusk in her ribs/ but she always comes back/ armed with more love to give/ Imagine the kind of pain they think/ They need to inflict on a creature like me/ So that I'll always do what they want me to do/ And always give in/ Years and years of working for the man/ Some lost their eyes some lost their minds/ Some broke their backs, some lost their lives/ We all lost our will to the feel of the stick/ And now that everything is over/ We don't hold a grudge/ "Feed me that melon half you've got in your hand"/ The river is ever too far away/ This skin is thick, but it needs some care/ I've a full time job keeping this body fed/ And this is all I'm meant to do/ I know my place, do you?

今天最后的歌是“Angry Sky"(“愤然的空天”)。人们恋爱的时候,到处都会见到爱情的表现:风、月、天都跟你交流,随着你心情的乐音摇摆,跟着你的情绪变更,好像你自己是能控制风雨的妖精一样......,好的,起码我自己有这个感觉,哈哈!这首歌保存了一个实现不了的爱情记忆,这种爱是不是会引发音乐家做最美的歌曲?


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