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Un álbum a cuartos (IV)

Hemos llegado a las útlimas dos canciones del álbum Arts & Crafts and Frankensteins, "So Far So Good" y "Smart Guy". Tienen ciertos aspectos en común, ya que ambas se compusieron al piano, y son las canciones menos acústicas del la colección.

"So Far So Good", era una cosita muy, muy joven cuando compuse esta canción tan, tan triste. Puede que esa fuera mi manera de bregar con ciertas situaciones: sacarlo de mí y meterlo en una canción. No es así de fácil, pero lo cierto es que trasladar tus momentos bajos a tu música es liberador, y ayuda a superar ciertas cosas. Aquí la tenéis, si os apetece escucharla:

So far, so good, I've just understood/ From all the times together you choose the last to keep in view/ And all this hate… we’re just two steps away but you won’t look my way/ And if you just did… there ain’t no stranger here/ It’s just me outside your heart/ The same one you used to love, but I think I’m not/ The same you silently hate, the you carefully ignore/ It’s not enough that I gave you it all to get some credit here/ Let’s exchange photographs/ Laughter for tears/ These last are all that you wanna keep/ When you don’t need to hate me you’ll/ Throw them away/ And then there’ll be nothing/ As if nothing ever happened, as the nothing we are now/ As if nothing we were then is anything now to anyone/ I used to spin around to capture your heart/ Now I have to do so to keep that last bond untouched/ But I get tired, I get nothing but harm, so I think I’ll quit

Y la última, "Smart Guy". Esta la escribí con un tipo de persona concreto en mente, el de que aquellos que creen que la agresividad es la única vía para conseguir sus objetivos, y que cualquiera que no lo haga así es tonto y vive engañado; aquellos que piensan que empatía equivale a debilidad, dinero equivale a éxito y control equivale a bienestar. A ese tipo de persona les digo: parad ya, os lo estáis cargando todo.

I always try to keep in mind/ that I might not be right/ He let out a snort and said:"That sounds to me / like a sign of insecurity"./ Rather say not contemplating this/ is just sheer stupidity/ That's what I wish I had said,/ But it takes some time for my wit to wake/ Little twigs of amazement/ glued with saliva/ The twigs as rare/ as a piece of good news/ like when David defeats Goliath/ Little twigs of endurance/ glued with saliva/ That's how sturdy the nest of my hope is/ but it's survived many riots/ Looking confident, it was my guess,/ matters more than learning stuff/ And never mind how terribly wrong you are/ As long as you thin you're right/ When the little twig labelled 'understanding'/ fell off and hit the ground/ it didn't even make a sound/ Across the table nothing was heard/ He probably though he'd said something smart.

Bueno, ya está, 11 canciones que representan unos 3 años de grabaciones. Espero que os gusten lo bastante como para que estéis atentos a Hel, Elena Marco, la que suscribe, y la música que aún tiene por enseñar.

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