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专辑分部介绍 (IV)

今天轮到 Arts & Crafts and Frankensteins 专辑的最后两首歌:“So Far So Good"和"Smart Guy",它们有某些相近的地方,比如说,两首歌是用钢琴创作的,此外,在专辑中它们算是“不插电”效果最少的。

我做"So Far So Good"这首伤心的歌那会儿,我还很年轻。有可能作曲是我来克服不顺利事情的方式:把悲哀从我的心里拿出来,然后放在歌曲里。现实不那么简单,但是把不开心的事情搬到自己做的音乐里面有些宣泄的效果,真的助于我恢复常态。

So far, so good, I've just understood/ From all the times together you choose the last to keep in view/ And all this hate… we’re just two steps away but you won’t look my way/ And if you just did… there ain’t no stranger here/ It’s just me outside your heart/ The same one you used to love, but I think I’m not/ The same you silently hate, the you carefully ignore/ It’s not enough that I gave you it all to get some credit here/ Let’s exchange photographs/ Laughter for tears/ These last are all that you wanna keep/ When you don’t need to hate me you’ll/ Throw them away/ And then there’ll be nothing/ As if nothing ever happened, as the nothing we are now/ As if nothing we were then is anything now to anyone/ I used to spin around to capture your heart/ Now I have to do so to keep that last bond untouched/ But I get tired, I get nothing but harm, so I think I’ll quit

最后的歌,”Smart guy"是着眼于某种人写的,就是认为咄咄逼人才能达到自己的目的,并觉得不这么做的人很傻的那种人;认为同情心相等于软弱,钱相等于成功,控制欲很强的那种人。我想跟他们说一下:不要这样,你们在弄坏一切。

I always try to keep in mind/ that I might not be right/ He let out a snort and said:"That sounds to me / like a sign of insecurity"./ Rather say not contemplating this/ is just sheer stupidity/ That's what I wish I had said,/ But it takes some time for my wit to wake/ Little twigs of amazement/ glued with saliva/ The twigs as rare/ as a piece of good news/ like when David defeats Goliath/ Little twigs of endurance/ glued with saliva/ That's how sturdy the nest of my hope is/ but it's survived many riots/ Looking confident, it was my guess,/ matters more than learning stuff/ And never mind how terribly wrong you are/ As long as you thin you're right/ When the little twig labelled 'understanding'/ fell off and hit the ground/ it didn't even make a sound/ Across the table nothing was heard/ He probably though he'd said something smart.

好的,大概三年之内录制的11首歌介绍完了!希望你们喜欢并留意Hel, Elena Marco, 飞扬,这个真心的某某人的音乐。

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